Always Moving Forward


As a writer, especially freelance writers, there is nothing more important than moving forward. Because you know as well as anyone that once you stop moving forward (for whatever reason) it’s nearly impossible to get back into the groove.

What happens though when you realize that you have stopped and now you’re stuck?

I’ll tell you what happens. You either stop and stay stuck (and many writers stop being writers at this point and decide to try and be something else). Or, you pick up your pen and pad and fight to get back up.

I hope, if you’re a writer, that you make the choice to fight for your passion and get back on your feet.

Here are a few helpful tools and resources to do just that.

1. Use your social media:

I know that social media is a great way to find stories and to connect more potential readers, but it’s also an amazing resource for connecting with other writers who are excited about their craft. Search to ‘Friend’, ‘Fan’, and ‘Follow’ those who are doing it! Those who love being writers and are positive.

There’s nothing worse than connecting with those who are stuck like you or worse, because they need encouragement too. It’s impossible to get back up on your feet and get excited to fight again when you’re seeking help from those who are stuck, bitter, and lack enthusiasm.

2. Research Writer’s Contests online.

When you get on a website that is full of Writer’s Contests, you quickly see how many people, publishers, organizations, etc. there are that WANT YOU! (Hope on Google now and search Writer’s Contests – there’s tons.)

A few I use:

Freelance Writing Online

3. Join a Writer’s Community.

Connect with other writers that are in the same pursuit as you. Writer’s Communities share publishing highlights, publishing needs, writing contests, free critiques of your work, and many writing helps forums.

A few that I really enjoy:


Helium Writer Communities

4. Get Your Feet Wet and Write

There are a few places online where you can start putting your writing skills to the test, and at the same time learn new ways to use social media to create a readership. These groups are places you write and get paid per view or article.

These are not places that I would plan to work the rest of my life, but they are great for learning to meet deadlines, getting editor feedback, learning to how to research, craft, and build good consistent writing habits.

Here are a few of those groups I write for. These groups were really a great influence on my writing etiquette and improving those habits I talked about.

The Examiner



I would suggest starting with FaithWriters, then moving to Helium, and Examiner, and then moving on to

If you want to get involved with one of these writing groups and are not 100% sure that you’re articles are ready (especially for Examiner and About) EMAIL ME. I’ll take a look at your articles and give you some advice to make sure you are ready! It’s what I love. (For free of course, so feel free to reach out.)

Here’s are few great places to start. Please feel free to ask me for any advise of help along the way. That’s what I do, that’s what I love.

Let me know if this has been helpful to you.


Signing off.

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Connect with me and let me know that you found me on my Writer’s Blog.

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